Friday, December 27, 2019

Recruiting a New Hire if You Havent Hired in a While

Recruiting a New Hire if You Havent Hired in a WhileRecruiting a New Hire if You Havent Hired in a WhileRecruiting a New Hire if You Havent Hired in a WhileYoure thinking about making your first new hire in years as you look to grow your small company. Yet the prospect of taking on a risky newcomer and adding to the payroll have either paralyzed you or impelled you to act hastily. Take a deep breath and absorb these recruitment strategiesfrom small-business owners who have made hires in these uncertain times.Slow down. Dont short-change your recruiting strategyjust because a thousand candidates come knocking every day. Hiring decisions are among the most important that we make, says Jeff Adams, president of Balentine,a financial advisory firm in Atlanta. Start recruiting early, perhaps before youre even certain you want to make a hire.Dont assume employee sourcing will be easy. Yes, many millions of Americans are out of work. But talent acquisition crisismeans that not all positions will be easy to fill with top people. There are still a hr of qualified candidates in HR and IT, but sales recruitmentis more difficult, says Rob Wilson, president of HR outsourcing firm Employcoin Westmont, Ill.Hire just in time. Do a cost-benefit analysis as part of your hiring strategy,before you add to your payroll. Hiring today to be prepared for tomorrow is obsolete, says Jeff Dudan, CEO of AdvantaClean Systems,a mold-remediation franchisor. To be competitive, you cant have extra people around. You have to wait to hire until youre in pain.Cast a wide net, regardless. Yes,there are cheap or free channels for sourcing hundreds of candidates for almost any position. But to make the best hire, you must conduct a broad search. Employee referrals, Web postings and a placement firm together this gets us the best and brightest, says Adams.Bring in the grown-ups. Your new hire will have to learn your proprietary systems, but she or he should come in with all the fundamental skills in gear. In this economic environment we have less time to grow people into their roles, says Seth Earley, CEO of consulting firm Earley Associatesin Stow, Mass.To thin the herd, test candidates early. Whats the quickest way to narrow the field of candidates to serious contenders? Put them to work on a demanding employment application. With the job market the way it is, employers can set up hurdles in the hiring process, like a lengthy QA, says Dudan. Write a screening questionnaire that tests candidates industry knowledge, energy level, as well as innate reasoning and communications abilities.bewerbungsgesprch hard. Small businesses are putting a lot on the line when they make a new hire. One additional employee can either spark a new wave of growth for your company or send it into a death spiral by losing customers or missing opportunities for new business. So you owe it to your company to put candidates through multiple, demanding interviews with lots of open-ended questions. And bring your current employees into the interview processto boost their buy-in of a new colleague.Think twice about hiring out of big companies. Its tempting to recruit large company employeesfor your small firm. But dont underestimate the challenge to that corporate warrior when he finds out he has to do all of his own legwork. People who have been successful at major corporations have a very difficult time adjusting to the small-business environment, says Dudan.Its OK to consider (un)employment status. Is it fair to question the qualifications of a victim whos been a casualty of massive layoff? It is, if you consider the stakes for your business and your employees. For every one person out of work, 9 are employed, says Dudan. The very best performers typically remain employed.Do-it-yourself temp-to-perm. If you can get a top performer to join you as a contract or temp worker, give serious consideration to the arrangement, which reduces some of the risks of bringing on a new worker. As more projects ramp up, we give the best contractors preference and transition those who want full-time employment into that role, says Earley.Check references, really. Criminal and other background checks may be necessary in these litigious times, but you should engage in reference checking the old-fashioned way, with this twist Leave a voicemail or send an email to the reference, asking them to contact you only if they consider the candidate to be one of the best employees theyve ever had, and only if they can recommend the candidate without reservation. Youll have more faith in a positive response no response will be schwimmbad news for the candidate.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Make Your Office Space More Productive and Fun

Make Your Office Space More Productive and FunMake Your Office Space More Productive and FunMake Your Office Space More Productive and Fun Boerner Call it a mora communal arbeitszimmer space.The rise of the entrepreneur class and self-employment, along with the let-it-all hang-out vibe of tech giants like Google, are changing the ways in which we work and todays office space.Smaller spaces, open floor plans and workplace flexibility are altering the way our offices look, even while aiming to increase employee productivity.Think about a city park with a soccer field, a lake, a picnic table area and a grassy area, says Randy Howder, senior workplace strategist at the global design and architecture firm Gensler. Thats what were talking about when were talking about where office design is going.Like a park, theres an awful lot of open space in todays office spaces. Gone are private offices, office cubicles and giant conference rooms. Theyre being replaced with common spaces that look mor e like lounges, private spaces that can be reserved by the hour, and conference rooms for five or so people instead of 30.Underpinning all of this are two things Shrinkingsquare footageand technology advancements.The Shrinking Office SpaceSince the dot-com bubble, space-per-employee has dropped dramatically, says Garrick Brown, director of research for the commercial real estate company Cassidy Turley. Back then, each employee got about 2,500 square feet worth of personal space.Fast forward to 2013 and Twitters move to a San Francisco office that squeezes seven workers into a 1,000 square feet office space.Modern technology and business models that encourage telecommuting allow for smaller work environments, adds Brown. That includes WiFi, but also hotspots for mobile providers and conference rooms decked out with audiovisual technology to connect small offices with telecommuters and employees worldwide.These companies are looking at their workers as bedrngnis having a permanent anc hor or office, says Brown. You might be working at this desk one day and another desk another day. You might take over a room for a little while to get some private time. You might be working from the break room if you want. Its all very free.While the trend started in tech, its spreading to all industries or nearly all. This modern office space wont work for some divisions or companies. Think data centers, call centers or back offices anywhere where workers need privacy and storage.But for creative workers and workers who can store files on the cloud and plug their laptop into any outlet, the trend is taking off.Thinking of redesigning your office environment? Consider these watchwordsCollaborationDid you ever think the location of a restroom would be important in the office design? For many companies today, it is, says Brown. Putting the restroom in the right place maximizes chance meetings that could spark new ideas.In other words, says Edin Rudic, creative director of the New York City-based design firm MKDA, Me space is becoming we space.And it doesnt stop at the restroom door. Norm Miller, a professor of real estate at the University of San Diego, says one company he visited has its head of innovation act as a social director in the break room, introducing strangers so they can start conversations that may lead to new products, services and greater productivity. The room is set up like a caf, with tall tables and good coffee.They said it was the most innovative location in the building, Miller says. The idea now is not only to share space but to create more collaborative rooms so people can be productive.FlexibilityAt least in part because of shrinking office space, office environments must now do double duty. Thats where walls made of foam blocks that double as chairs come in. If its got one purpose, its not going to work in the new office space, says Rudic.Everything is multifunctional, he says. The flexibility is really important because it gives pe ople options and the ability to feel special.BalanceNot everyone works well in open spaces. Indeed, in Genslers recent survey of U.S. workplaces, companies that balance open collaborative spaces with private spaces where employees can focus were multiple times more innovative and profitable than those that only provided collaborative space, says Genslers Howder.In completely open plan environments with all these soft seating areas, a lot of workers struggle to think clearly and deeply because of the interruptions, he says. So the idea is really to focus on giving people choices of when and where to work so they can be most productive, depending on the task.To that end, Rudic says small so-called escape rooms that people can reserve for a few hours have become essential, as have new chairs with high walls that act as single-person privacy screens. We categorize these into thinking spaces, he says. And then there are semi-private spaces and public.More thanSpace PlanningBut space plan ning isnt enough, says Howder. Management has to reflect this open, flexible and collaborative attitude, too.The point is to give people a real choice and then balance the work environment with varied spaces that allow people to be their most effective.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The secret cash that is hidden in your business

The secret cash that is hidden in your businessThe secret cash that is hidden in your business2018 saw that 70% of UK start-ups scaled up quickly and 29% ran out of cash within their first year.Late payment of invoices, slow financial turnover, and unforeseen outgoings can have a detrimental effect on a business. However, there are many ways in which to uncover monies within a business and locate cash previously not recognized.Here, we worked with the team atF-Initiativesto present 5 ways to obtain secret cash in your business.RD Tax ReliefDepending on your businesss eligibility, RD tax relief can award you with tax credits, a reduction in corporation tax and even cash back to the companys accounts.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreManufacturers who have created a new and innovative product can claim for a share of the research and development that went into creation process.If yo ur business does not fall into the manufacturing realm you can still submit an RD tax claim.If your business has created a process that is prescriptive to the business and aids in the smooth running of operations, then eligibility will also be considered.Lease Potential Big PurchasesEven small startups require products that are considered big purchases.It is worth remembering that buying products are final and there is no flexibility once they are in your business possession.Leasing potential purchases such as cars provides ease when submitting your annual tax claim.It also demolishes the burden rapidly losing its value as time goes on.However, always risk asses the decision with the terms and conditions presented within the lease.If you know that you will exceed mileage conditions etc, then outright purchases can serve as the better option.Outsource Tasks to the ExpertsSporadic tasks that require an expert is inevitable.However, many companies cannot afford to employ a full time or parte time member of staff.Directors can also be fearful that if the tasks were made into a specific job role, the work load may not align with the financial return.Outsourcing tasks to experts within their field allows you to only outlay costs as and when you need specific tasks completed. Not only is outsourcing cost effective but frees up time for full time members of staff. Budgeting quarterly for such tasks allows you to avoid any unsuspected financial outgoings.An ongoing conversationAn agreement with suppliers doesnt have to be written in ink.If you hit financial strain, always instigate a renegotiation.Renegotiating rates initially agreed is a great way to free up some cash.Always request a monthly report from suppliers so that you are working with full transparency.Monthly reporting also presents the opportunity for you to asses if your payment aligns with the work being done and serves as an asset in negotiation.UnsubscribeSome subscriptions are very low in cost.So much s o that you may not even notice them leaving your company account.Ensure that you thoroughly go through your companys bank statements every month and cancel any subscriptions that you may not be using.This article first appeared on Coffee Break.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will ersatzdarsteller your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Recovery Tips When a Job Interview Gets Awkward

Recovery Tips When a Job Interview Gets AwkwardRecovery Tips When a Job Interview Gets AwkwardWhether youre just starting out in your career or a well-seasoned veteran of the job-search game, you probably have an idea of how the ideal job interview is supposed to go. You walk in the room, give a firm handshake, and proceed to answer questions youre well-prepared for, just like the rockstar candidate you envision yourself to be. Before you give yourself a hypothetical pat on the back, however, you should also know that its entirely possible for an interview to go horribly, awfully, awkwardly wrong, many times through no fault of your own. Preparation, though, is the key to success. Instead of running home and crying into a bowl of ice cream over an interview gone bad, take a few minutes to read along as we help you prep for the worst case scenario and show that you can master whatever the job search throws at you.Whats in a NameForgetting the name of your dinner companion on that all- important first date is awkward enough. Now imagine raising the stakes and completely blanking on the identity of your interviewer, mid career-making interview. In either situation, your conversation counterparty will appreciate and respect a personal address. If youve got rico-suave level skills, you can probably get by with a pet name or two for personal interactions, but using the tagline of honey or gorgeous with a prospective employer probably isnt going to get you very far. On the other hand, calling someone by the wrong name can make you seem forgetful at best and straight out inattentive at worst. Neither quality is going to score you many bonus points towards that offer or call back.All that being said, there are solid approaches to help avoid lapses in salutations. Before your interview, ask for the names of the various individuals youll be meeting with. Study behauptung and even try writing them down a few times to commit the titles to memory. Similarly, practice reciting the names to yourself in realistic scenarios. Simple statements like thank you, Mr. Smith, or Mrs. Jones, I appreciated your time, will help prepare you for the interview while also familiarizing yourself to your interviewers identities.When all else fails, ask for a business card or contact info towards the end of your interview. This will be a helpful cheat sheet for both social niceties on your way out and for those all-important follow up thank you emails.Hearing CricketsAnother koranversfire cringe-worthy moment for any conversation setting is the awkward pause. You know the scenario were talking about here. Conversation is going well, perhaps stilted, but at least youre forming syllables and vowels into some form of a coherent sentence. Then, all of a sudden, either yourself or the interviewer will make an open-ended statement. Maybe youre not sure whether something was a question or a declaration. Maybe they dont know how to reply to your unexpected answer. Whatever the case , few things can blast a hole through your interview confidence like an awkward pause in the conversation.If this is the stuff that gives you nightmares, never fear. There are a few easy and productive ways to handle a break in conversation. To get things back on track, when the conversation breaks, try asking the interviewer if your answer made sense, or if they felt youd fully answered their question. Whatever their reply, talking will commence and youll both have an opening to get out of a stagnant pause. If youre the one who is blanking, try asking the interviewer to repeat or rephrase the question, giving yourself time to collect thoughts and formulate a stellar reply.The UnpredictableNo matter how much you prep for your all-important job interview, its inevitable that there will be questions or scenarios that catch you unaware. From your interviewer pausing to take a personal call to a fire alarm or drill, unexpected events can put a damper on your otherwise impeccably planned interview style. For the unwary, this can lead to flubbed answers or an overall poor performance.The best way to deal with the awkward or unexpected moments during an interview is typically with humor. The ability to go with the flow, take a few unexpected punches, and continue to shine demonstrates adaptability that is often highly desirable for an employer. Showcase your flexibility by laughing off surprises and picking right back up where the interview left off. In the real world, this is a much more accurate depiction of what it means to work in a high pressure, ever-changing company and youll score big bonus points. As a plus, these events can often make you more memorable to an interviewer or potential employer, lessening the likelihood that your candidacy will get lost in the crowd. While we all strive for structure and perfection in our interview, from time to time things are going to get a bit awkward. For individual candidates, the way you address these pressures will spe ak volumes about your potential skill set in a position and handling these situations well will increase your chances of landing a gig exponentially. Have a horror story or other tip? Feel free to drop us a line so that we can share with fellow job seekers who may end up where youve been at some point in their job-seeking future.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

What Does Resume Builder Free Online Mean?

What Does Resume Builder Free zugreifbar Mean? Facts, Fiction and Resume Builder Free Online Thus, you will know all that is required. As the name implies, Free Resume Creator is still another completely free online resume or CV builder website. Resume Builder Free is just one more free and light application that will enable you to create a resume in virtually no time. Display how fanatic youre by describing the reason that you desire to get picked and the way youll advanced afterwards. Before you start, remember that a superior understanding of suitable spelling, punctuation and grammar may be a real boost to both your geschftsleben writing and the true success of your enterprise. The finest free resume builder gives you the assistance you have to compose a stellar overview of all your achievements. There isnt any time for procrastination once it comes to getting your perfect job. It is possible to undoubtedly enhance your CV, which makes it an intermediary for that very first meeting. The resume shouldnt be confused with a CV. Zetys resume vorlages are made with the aid of recruiters and stick to the best practices in HR. To purchase essay online, you simply will need to fill in the application form and youll get superior work on the desired topic. The majority of us already know that the resume we submit while putting in an application for a work interview is truly crucial for a lot of reasons. Therefore, for your convenience, you have a superb chance to monitor the advancement of the assigned writer and make sure an essay will be ready in a timely way. You can trust the ideal essay help online. To save a good deal of heartache down the road, ensure that you use our resume builder to create a document that could be easily transferred to different job applications. Each resume must be specifically tailored to the organization and job title against which its being sent. If you are able to, have somebody else look over your resume too. The act ual individuals highly praise our essay help site. To produce the freeresume builder formal, you will need to use common structure for organization letter. There are a lot of professional resume template that can be found on the net from which youll be able to make out some idea about how to construct a professional curriculum vitae using best resume builder websites. The website provides a selection of premium resume templates and designs that you are able to download to MS Word. There are many online resume builder apparatuses accessible that you utilize for gratis. ConnectCV is another exact efficient online resume building tool free of charge. Be certain that you make personal relationship to show tips on the best way to help them grow. The tool has a completely free trial. It is easy to use and also includes a cover letter and thank you letter builder. You cant send the exact same is resume builder free to several company for assorted job. Which means you have to fin d out the way to create the best letter as possible send to the organization and offer great first effect about yourself. As a way to do that you will certainly have to produce a resume that will bring in a possible employer. Nobodys perfect, but anything you send to a prospective employer has to be absolutely flawless. The Fight Against Resume Builder Free Online Our content optimizer and professional tips might also help you better your content as well so youre able to stick out from other job seekers. An internet CV maker is fast and easy with predefined settings, yet theres a good deal of room to reflect your personality. Custom writing means a severe company with high standards. A complete option for candidates with lots of experience who desire to have a really good one-page resume template. Heres What I Know About Resume Builder Free Online My Resume Builderapp is one that youll be able to download on your Android device so as to help you produce an appealing resume . A resume builder is going to have you simply give your information into a webpage. Utilizing a resume template has turned into an acceptable and smart practice for quite a few reasons. So, My Resume Builder is very helpful in creating an awesome ready-to-go resume. Simply you should sign up to begin creating your resume. My report wasnt up-to-date, I might have to revise it tomorrow. You wont be required to format and design your resume.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The 411 on Graphic Design Degrees [Infographic]

The 411 on Graphic Design Degrees Infographic Are you creative and artsy? Do you have a knack for arranging shapes and colors? Do you simply love to design things? Well, maybe getting a degree in graphic design is for you. Now you may be wondering, What can I do with that type of degree? The folks at The Degree 360 have prepared an infographic to help answer this question and more.When considering a career in graphic design, youll need some background on what graphic designers actually do. The infographic explains that, depending on the medium, graphic designers can specialize in a variety of roles, includingPrint publications design signs and/or posters create ads, visual communications and print mediaWeb publishing apply programming skills to website design develop web content with text, imagery and videoOnline marketing create graphic art for advertising and promotions build marketing campaign materialsEntertainment design credits for movies, TV, and videos create special effects for games and moviesGraphic designers are most typically hired into the specialized design services, newspaper/book/periodical/directory, and advertising and PR fields. These workers most often earn the highest salaries in Washington D.C., New York, and Connecticut, to name a few, with salaries reaching almost $68/k in the nations capital.And if you want to design but try a slightly different route, the infographic explains that careers such as multimedia artist, animator, and commercial or industrial designer closely match the requirements and duties of graphic designers.Also, if you still need some extra convincing, the infographic offers a few notable graphic designers who designed logos and helped build brands millions recognize worldwide today. You know how everytime you go out of town you see the I love (fill in the city) t-shirts? Well, this recognizable brand was created by Milton Glaser, a Cooper Union School of Art graduate who designed the infamous I love New York logo. The infogrpahic also talks about Paul Rand, a graphic designer responsible for popular logos for IBM, ABC and UPS.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Work-Life Balance Improving

Work-Life Balance ImprovingWork-Life Balance Improving WORK-LIFE BALANCE IMPROVINGManagers Are Leading the WayWorkers were asked How has your work-life balance changed, if at all, from three years ago?TOTALAGE 18-34AGE 35-54AGE 55+Improved significantly23%35%17%10%Improved somewhat29%32%29%21%No change37%24%43%52%Worsened somewhat10%8%9%14%Worsened significantly2%2%3%3%How supportive is your manager of your efforts to achieve work-life balance?TOTALAGE 18-34AGE 35-54AGE 55+Very supportive54%62%47%50%Somewhat supportive37%34%40%34%Not at all supportive10%4%13%16%When it comes to work-life balance, how would you characterize the example set by your manager?TOTALAGE 18-34AGE 35-54AGE 55+Excellent31%38%26%25%Good43%41%45%42%Fair18%16%18%22%Poor9%5%12%10%Source Robert Half Management Resources survey of more than 1,000 U.S. workers totals may not equal 100 percent due to rounding 2017 Robert Half Management Resources. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Veterans.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Surprising Step You Should Take to Find Your Next Job Opportunity

The Surprising Step You Should Take to Find Your Next Job OpportunityThe Surprising Step You Should Take to Find Your Next Job Opportunity Between the new opportunities, colleagues and environment, starting a new job is often an exciting time. Whats not so exciting? The job search process itself. I have yet to meet a person who actually enjoys scouring open job listings, vetting companies and coordinating interview times (or worse - hearing radio silence from the companies theyve applied to). If there were a quick and easy way to streamline the process, most job seekers would take advantage of it in a heartbeat.But the truth is, there is a simple way to streamline your job search, and at no out-of-pocket cost to you. Its just that many people arent aware of it. Working with a staffing services firm can ease or even eliminate many of the biggest job search pain points. To get the details on how it all works, I chatted with Ryan Lynch, a Client Relationship Executiv e at Kforce .Once you make contact with a staffing services firm, whether you reach out to them or they reach out to you, youll have a recruiter assigned to you whose entire job is to connect you with the right opportunities.The nice parte about working with a staffing services firm is that you are essentially crowdsourcing your job search efforts. I talk to enough people who are looking for a job to know that most find it to be a scary proposition, because theres no defined roadmap. When youre looking at different job postings you see different titles, different job descriptions and sometimes it just gets confusing. Thats where we come in, Lynch says.Recruiters will work with you to figure out what youre looking for and why, Lynch says. For example, Do you like the flexibility of contract work? Are you looking for a more permanent placement?Once we decide what path you need to take or where you want to go with your career, you suddenly have multiple associates throughout the fir m actively advocating on your behalf with our clients, Lynch explains. Plus, we arent just putting your resume in a portal - were having face-to-face conversations with the managers who have the ability to hire you . A firm like ours has access to more than 50 years of rich history and relationships throughout the country that you get to build upon.From there, your recruiter will identify interested companies, coordinate interviews and even help you polish your resume if needed.Most companies will help you write your resume as part of their services. When I meet with a candidate, I see it as part of my job to sit down with them and work on their resume with a critical eye, Lynch shares.Another benefit of working with a staffing agency is that you continue to receive support even after youve found and accepted the right job for you.The minute you accept that offer , youre going to get onboarding emails and youre introduced to our consultant care program. We have a portal which rea lly acts as a home base for anything you need related to your placement, whether it be payroll, benefits, additional training or resources to reach out to, Lynch says.Beyond that, staffing services firms are committed to keeping touch with you even after youve started your new job in order to ensure that youre getting everything you need.To me, consultants are the lifeblood of everything that we do, and I truly believe we embrace that idea as a company. Sometimes people are surprised by the consistent follow-up they experience once they become a consultant. We have a structured process where the recruiter who helped you find that job will be there to support you throughout the assignment, Lynch explains.Often, recruiters will meet you on-site on your first day to walk you in, set you up for the project and introduce you to the team. From there, theyll check in at least every couple of weeks and provide consultant events quarterly and ongoing training. Recruiters will even reach out to your employer to make sure that your experience is going as well as it possibly can.On the client side, we check in regularly to ensure things are going well and to gather feedback which we can share with the consultant, Lynch says.Because not everybody is familiar with staffing services firms, there are often myths and misconceptions around how they operate. One of the biggest is that you, the job seeker, have to pay them for their services. But in fact, staffing services firms revenue comes from their clients - the employers looking to fill positions. If someone is asking you to pay for their service, its a red flag and you should look elsewhere, Lynch cautions.Another prevalent misconception job seekers have is that firms only offer short-term assignments.However, most of our business is actually geared toward long-term engagements, either in project work or contract-to-hire, Lynch says. As companies are transforming their technology or their business, a lot of times they want to retain the people who helped them build their system and have the institutional knowledge.Also, I often hear the assumption that we just sling resumes and that couldnt be further from the truth. The intent is always to form lasting personal relationships whether that be to help you find a permanent job or if you want to deploy from assignment to assignment, Lynch adds. Thats what most good firms are searching for - people who want to have a mutually beneficial relationship to help them achieve their career goals while solving problems for our clients.Want to take your job search to the next level? Check out open Kforce jobs here

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Internship Resume Examples [2019] + Writing Guide

Internship Resume Examples 2019 + Writing GuideInternship Resume Examples Internship Resume Sample for 2019Are you required to present your resume in the bid to secure an internship and youre having conflicted feelings as to how your resume should look for such internship? Are you scared that youd be over or under qualified? Do you fall into the above categories or more which hinder you from getting your resume to the appropriate places? Then this article is written especially for you.Sample of Resume for an Internship ApplicationStart Building Your ResumeWriting resumes can be a very tricky affair because your resume is basically an introduction to your employer. So you can be rest assured that first impression matters. Prior to receiving your resume, the recruiter or employer has no knowledge of who you are or your previous achievements as grand as they might be, so always aim not to impress but to express. The recruiter will probably be more interested in getting to know who you a re as a partie than the things youve achieved and theres a very high probability that it is not a lot given that youre applying for an internship anyway.A recent study conducted shows that the average recruiter takes a look at a resume for no longer than six seconds and will only look for any longer period of time if the sixIf youre applying for an internship at a digital marketing agency, then you should be looking out for any experience in a field such as social media management. Look for times where you have handled any social media account for any brand, even if its a personal one and turn it into a corporate experience.While writing your resume for an internship, you can be rest assured that the recruiter or company does not expect you to have serious professional qualifications and your current qualifications are only expected to boost your academic or career goals, hence you can totally include all those skills you gained on your own and show willingness to gain more skills.R esume Basics for an Internship PositionIt should perfectly highlight your strengths and be appropriately structured.There is absolutely no need for preambles so you should go straight to the point and make the position youre applying for very obvious.Avoid errors and make your resume very easy to read.Above all, make sure that your resume isnt more than one page.Reiterating the above, the recruiter does not expect you to have tons of experience but that does not give you the permission to fill up your resume with generic information as it sends a very badeanstalt message to the recruiter about you.Also, keep it in mind that your recruiters are looking for someone who has skills that are honed personally through practice and very willing to learn. Skills such as the ability to work under pressure and meet target deadlines, a very high level of creativity, impressive communication skills, hard work and exceptional leadership abilities.It is very common while writing a resume for inter nships to see many students stressing or having a meltdown because of their GPA. If youre in that category, then you need to take a step back and desist from giving yourself a high blood pressure because, in actual fact, recruiters in most cases usually do not take the school GPA into cognizance or let it determine if you deserve to be recruited or not. Although always make sure to include your academic qualifications as poor as they might be on your resume because for someone in your stage, you might not possess enough field experience and as I said before, even recruiters do not expect you to. Recruiters are usually more interested in relevant work experiences so kindly focus more on that.On your resume, there are basic things that should attack your recruiter first, and one of them is your Professional Summary which is where you tell your recruiter what you have got to offer in just a couple of sentences. Always make sure that you do not turn in a resume without a professional su mmary as thats the best way to let your employer know what youre good for or at.Your resume should be tailored to fit the position youre applying for, as this gives the recruiter the idea that youre already a nice fit for their company even long before youre offered a position.You should also never forget to include all the awards and honors youve received as little as they might be, they go a long way in creating a lasting impression in the mind of your employer and give you an edge of credibility over other resumes.With all the above insights, you should be well on your way to securing that dream internship, without an atom of doubt that you can be absolutely sure of.