Sunday, June 14, 2020

How Johnson Kee Bought a Job

How Johnson Kee Bought a Job Can you imagine buying a job? Moreover, can you imagine buying a $47,500 job for a little under $11.00? Johnson Kee did it. Johnson was a call center workerâ€"and not overly happy about it. He was a writer, not a phone jockey. He’d been looking online, trying to find something that would be more suitable for his skill set, and having no luck. Finally, he started scouting around his university network, and found a job in his sector. But he knew that he was going to have to make himself stand out from all the other applicants. Johnson employed direct marketing strategies along with a dose of common sense. He knew he had to get his application in quickly, he had to stand out, and he had to make himself unforgettable. He compiled a portfolio of just about everything he’d ever writtenâ€"blog posts, web content, press releases, etc., and printed them off. Then he wrote a press release specifically for the company he was targeting. He had it professionally bound, called the company to introduce himself and let them know what they’d be receiving, and mailed off the bound copy. In this instance, Johnson bypassed technology; his potential employer was inundated with e-mails, so Johnson went low-tech and got noticed. When you get a big, bulky envelope in the mail, you’re going to open it just out of curiosity; and when the potential boss opened the envelope, there was Johnson’s face on the front of the bound document. No one else took the same approach. And therefore, Johnson stood out. His bound application was physically in the boss’s office, always visible. Every time he looked at it, he was reminded of Johnson. How could he not call? The sheer size of the document indicated that Johnson was serious about landing this job. So, what have we learned from this? Do something that will make you stand out from every Tom, Dick, and Harriet who’s applying for the job you desperately want. You don’t have to take Johnson’s approach; be creative, and put your own personal stamp on your job application. Make it impossible for them to ignore you. If nothing else, you might get a call just because your potential boss is bored and wants to meet the person who thought outside the box. Johnson Kee is now working as a copywriter and marketing strategist in Melbourne, Australia. Let’s network! Connect with me on LinkedIn here.

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